starts from the experience gathered in tens of Business Process Reengineering projects in different kind of companies, levered by the systematic study of the business practices developed by the industry associations.
In fact, who better than industry associations can describe the model to whom their members aspire? The objective is to match the selected solutions first at all against consolidated business models, proposing a a model agreed by most if not by everybody. Starting from this platform and working on a case by case basis will develop, working with the customer, the solution that better satisfy the specific need, also the most innovative.
North American Retail associations, that lead the retail scenario (see the links), developed and maintain a wide and useful documentation on retail business models and on benchmarks to measure and compare the performances on a world-wide scale. An interesting documentation regarding Italian and European retail practices is available at Indicod-ECR . While, for RFID identification technologies the reference model is EPC Global. On these widely documented practices is based the referential model on which we will match the proposed solutions.
  • In the following figures ARTS (Association Retail Tecnology Standard - USA) draw the typical function of a retail company